Laymen Without Borders want to work towards Spark’s vision of better treatment of displaced people around the world and against the causes of displacement, including imperialism, capitalism, and hostility towards minorities. Our first project is a conference, intended to shed light on Haukur’s vision of every human’s freedom to choose their surroundings and shape their community. It will be held in Reykjavik on Saturday 8th June 12:00-17:00 in the conference hall of deCODE Genetics in Sturlugata 8.
The program consists of short talks that shed light on Haukur’s political ideals and his development as an activist, especially with respect to refugees. ENTRANCE IS FREE and everyone is welcome while there is still room. Some of the talks will be in Icelandic, but we will provide interpreters or transcripts. You can register by email to Those who support our fund will be invited personally.
Several more events will be on that weekend. We aim for various projects to promote a deeper understanding of the roots of the refugee problems and its links to other problems such as environmental damage, neo-colonialism and class distinctions.
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The Conference – Topics
Talks planned are the following:
• Miriam Rose on the resistance against heavy industry
• Vésteinn Valgarðsson on oppressed nations’ fight for freedom
• Snorri Páll on the anarchists’ role and goals in the „Kitchenware Revolution“
• Benjamin Julian on refugees
• A.Th. on the international squat movement
• Jamie McQuilkin on The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
• Eva Hauksdottir on Haukur’s reasons for joining armed resistance.
The announcer is Heiða B. Heiðars.
The talks will be given in the above order. Participants can attend all of the talks or just some of them.
Our Project Fund
Laymen Without Borders run a project fund, dedicated to Haukur Hilmarsson (Spark) The goal of this fundraising is to start a project fund, dedicated to Haukur/Spark to support the movement’s projects. The minimum we hope to raise this time is 2000 euros.
We want to express our gratitude for any contribution. Those who donate 55 € will be given a lino print of the magical „rune of the hawk“ (haukrún). The picture is the result of a collaboration between the artist Una Stígsdóttir and Eva the Witch, Haukur’s mother.
The rune is dedicated to Haukur. It symbolizes initiative, courage, independence, open mind and creativity. Haukur nurtured these characteristics, that are also attributed to the hawk. (Haukur means hawk in Icelandic). Herd mentality and self-pity will not thrive in a place where the rune is visible and the people willing to work on their character.
The lino is 39,5 x 52.5 cm and printed on 350 gr Hahnemühle paper. It is printed in forty numbered copies.
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Further information about the conference and our project fund