Beinar aðgerðir virka.Í gær voru 5 flóttamenn handteknir og átti að flytja þá nauðuga til Grikklands. Fljótlega eftir að það fréttist, hvarf einn þeirra úr haldi lögreglu. Frábært fólk bæði í stjórnmálaflokkum og utan þeirra eyddi öllu kvöldinu í að þrýsta á stjórnvöld um að stöðva brottför hinna fjögurra og það tókst. Í dag milli 5 og 6 gaf dómsmálaráðherrra svo út tilmæli um að ekki yrði tekið öðruvísi á máli Hassans, mannsins sem hvarf en málum annarra og þá gaf hann sig fram. Hér er stutt bréf frá honum og vonandi nær hann áheyrn sem flestra.

My name is Hassan Raza Akbari and I come from Afghanistan. When I was forced to leave Afghanistan I was 17 years old. I’ll like to tell you about the experiences I got in the last 6 years. I like to say in my first line that: NO ONE is happy when they are forced to leave their country and NO ONE likes to live alone without their family.

I had big problems in Afghanistan that is why I left (I would have died if stayed)
When I was still living in Afghanistan I thought it was only there we didn’t have human rights. When I came to Europe it was exactly the same as what I left. We have to make the system.

When we are having problems, we don’t think about how to solve them; in fact we’re just trying to adjust to the situation.

I came from Afghanistan to Europe to find a peaceful life and I thought that everything would be alright. In Greece I first learned the language and then the lifestyle. For 2 years everything was good, and then suddenly the guys, with whom I had problems in Afghanistan, came to Greece. They found me and broke my arm, which is still not working correctly, and stabbed me 4 times with knives in the breast, back and throat.

By that time I thought Greece and by that all Europe wasn’t save for me. I moved and thought that maybe Canada would be better. On the journey there I had a Transit in Iceland and here the police stopped me. I then had no other choice than to seek asylum in Iceland.

I’ve now been here about 11 months. In these 11 months I’ve tried my best. I found a job as a chef-assistant in a restaurant at a hotel in Keflavik, I got a temporary work permit for 3 months. I worked for the restaurant for 3 months without ever getting paid, because the restaurant went bankrupt.

I’ve talked to the Red Cross about it and they got me to give them my work permit, so that they could seek asylum on my behalf. That was 4 months ago and I still haven’t heard anything from them.

And now they have decided to send me back to Greece and they know that my life would be in danger there. So now I have nowhere to feel secure I need and deserve to be treated right accordingly to the human right laws. I request the government and the media to help me… My life is in your hands.

Yours sincerely
Hassan Raza Akbari

Brottvísun hælisleitenda frestað

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