
Jájájá og svei mér þá. Ég er nú bara rétt að byrja að skoða þetta og jú, það bendir allt til þess að feitabollufræðin séu enn ein gervivísindagreinin.

Hér er grein úr virtu vísindatímariti þar sem varað er við tilhneigingu fat acceptance hreyfingarinnar til að flagga bull-vísindum.

Of course, one can locate studies that cite no relationship between “overweight and longevity” – there are also studies that find no relationship between “cigarette smoking and lung cancer”. Journal articles, books, and blogs provide sources of (mis)information even for holocaust deniers. Are there occasions whereby persons with obesity live a long and healthy life? Yes, but those occurrences are the aberrations (statisticians refer to these cases as probable outliers). Citing these renegade studies provides people with obesity a false hope – and provides yet more resistance for changing one’s lifestyle.

